Prin zecile de pagini cu caligrafie superba, ea gaseste niste cuvinte in versuri, cuvinte care dezvaluie ca atunci s-au varsat lacrimi. Dezvaluie atat prin ceea ce exprima, dar si prin petele neintelese ici colo, pete de lacrimi...
Era o poezie, una veche, dar in alta limba...
"You were so wonderful...
I can not believe in reality, it may not be over
You are the only one for me, and everything I need
NothIing will ever be the same again
I learn from you and I miss you yet
You were everything to me, baby, shal we do everything together?
I honestly tought that there would always be right, we two
We were made for each other, and you were my best friend
But best to shit in everything, and start again
Eerything I think about is you and what we did.
Do you know how much crop I received for you?
Do you know how many friends I failed for you?
Remember, we could laugh at everything
My heart is open and everyone just stay and watch.
It hurts, the soul it only hurts when I, as usual
Go back in time, at the time it was you and I
Time it was two of us. You know just as I once
It was indeed so. Feel good luck with you again and keep
Your hand again. I can not take , I miss you
You saw me, before any other seen me
But I changed, then died, I do not for me
You loved me so that once was, you do not
And it hurt me today.
Now you live your life,and now I live mine
We have to take one day at a time, and do their
But I think of you every day, every minute
I hope this story will have a happy ending.
It hurts my heart to be without you
You were so much, and you still are, everything to me
You were the one I could talk when I was feeling shit
It is thanks to you that I have me here
All the memories that were created
Have you forgotten every single one?
I just want go back in time with you again
We had a language, that no one else understood
When I look at you before, you saw me and smiled
But now when I look at you, you never known me
You look over, as you have never known me
It offends me, play the role of what I do, you notice:
"Not me, you do not see or hear."
I love the whole you, not just your appearance
You personality, your beatiful smile
You are so wonderful, please give me a chance
I just want to stay right with you, nobody else!"
Ea incepe sa aminteste ceea ce a pierdut cu cateva zile in urma...peroana pe care o credea suflet pereche, cel mai bun prieten....Il vrea inapoi...dar oare il va mai avea?
Gaseste o tigara la cateva pagini dupa...o tigara intacta cu aroma de cirese....langa ea scria "Se va aprinde...totul se va linisti..."
miercuri, 9 decembrie 2009
Consequences of memories... ~part 2~
Publicat de Anouk*~ la 11:50
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